Thank you to all the members of the Quesnel Community Garden for their committment, dedication and hard work.


- Katimavik - numerous volunteer hours to prepare garden site for planting

- Awesome Buds and Blooms - use of landrake to prepare garden site

- Richbar Nursery - designed water system and donated landscape fabric

- City of Quesnel - waste removal and delivered compost

- Communities in Bloom - $200

- School District 28 - use of land and fencing materials

- United Concrete & Gravel Ltd - 5 dump truck loads of soil

- ReKo Log Homes - cedar slabs for raised beds

- Cariboo Regional District - $2500

- Climate Change Action Committee - a dedicated volunteer base for the garden

- Quesnel Women's Resoure Centre - 2 temporary part-time staff through Service Canada's Job Creation Partnership

- Cariboo Peat and Gravel - 2 dump truck loads of soil

- Dragon Mountain Farm - 50 lbs seed potatoes

- Gardner Farms - seed potatoes

- Mackin Creek Farm - tomato plants and facilitated a garlic planting workshop

- The Salvation Army Quesnel Corp - jars for canning workshops

- The Quesnel Recycle Depot - jars for canning workshops

- Save-On-Foods - $100 towards preserving workshops

- McNaughton Centre - tomato plants

- Quesnel Junior Secondary School, Agriculture Class - rototilling, labour, and manure

If we have missed anyone, we would like to apologize, and please let us know so we properly thank you.
Please email the Quesnel Women's Resource Centre @, Attention: Community Garden Staff
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