Thursday, November 25, 2010

Meeting Minutes – Nov. 10th 2010

Present: Ellen B., Mary G., Colleen G., Sally H., Yvonne D., Jodi B.

1. Garden Plan:
Ellen has drawn a future garden plan. She has measured and mapped out the garden along with suggestions for plantings and future developments. There is a copy at the centre if people would like to take a look at it.
The group discussed the possibility of having individual beds but decided that we should keep with the communal nature of the garden. Ellen’s plan has included the creation of eight 10’ by 12’ "demonstration" beds as well, so the group decided that we should focus on education and community building.
The goal for 2011 would be to start at least three of these demonstration beds and could include the following ideas: No dig garden, 3-sisters garden, square foot garden.
The drawing also includes a location for a future sandbox and benches within the garden.
By the large gate container gardening was suggested so that the space wasn’t wasted but would allow large access entry to the garden by moving the containers to the side if needed.
Plan also includes the creation of an edible flower and ornamental border by the shed and the removal of the grassy area that was there. Also note that the picnic table has been destroyed by vandals at the garden.

2. Future needs:
Need better signage to put point across of how to help and how to harvest in order to prevent people exploiting food without helping. Need guidelines for the garden. Should it be locked with hours for the garden posted?
Need to acknowledge the garden’s sponsors. We need to make a sign to thank contributors of the garden before too much time passes. Yvonne has offered to make and decorate the sign and Jodi has a piece of plywood that we could use. Need some exterior paint – if anyone has some to donate please let Yvonne know.
Need to create a list of seeds, plants, and other materials needed for 2011 with a budget.

3. Fundraising:
Colleen has offered to donate aprons and cloth bags that she is making out of sheets to sell at the Farmers Market. Funding priorities include the fence as the main priority and then others include: signage, sand box and benches, micro irrigation, demo beds, seed and planting fund, picnic table.
Perhaps Northern Flowers could be approached for donations of seedlings in the spring as they are a supporter of the community and donate left over bedding plants to the Women’s Centre each year.
Could we do a fundraising initiative where local businesses sponsor a demonstration bed and then there logo and name is placed on the fence above the bed?
Angela has resubmitted the application for funds for the fence to the Quesnel Community Foundation as the CRD donated their funds for our previous application to the Quesnel Community Foundation.

4. Other:
The climate action committee will be setting up an information booth at the Christmas farmer’s market and has offered to put up a sign for the garden with our brochures available for people.

Next meeting: Late January/early February

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