Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Harvest BBQ

On September 25, we held a harvest BBQ, a garlic workshop and a work bee down at the garden. They were both a great success. Most of the garden was taken out to prepare for the winter.
The work bee was followed by a very informative workshop on how to grow your own garlic. Where Rob Bersato explained the ins and outs of growing garlic successfully.
To end the day, we had a BBQ to feed our hardworking volunteers. The delicious menu consisted of curried squash soup, Alaskan baked salmon, burgers, smokies, baked potatoes and all the fixings, potato salad, coleslaw, biscuits and buns of every size and content, beets, pickle tray, zucchini chocolate cake, carrot cake, hot apple spice drink, coffee and water.

Thanks to all the volunteers, you did a great job.

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