Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall is coming

It's that time of year again where gardening is slowly coming to an end. The garden has produced a great variety of many things this year. We are planning on soon having a little harvest get-together.

On September 8th morning Elizabeth and her 12 students will go to the community garden and do a few tests, soil sample, air flow and sun placement.
In the afternoon workshop/meeting with CNC instructors and the horticultural students; we will start out with a brainstorming session from 12-1 pm
1-3:00 we will break into small groups a have a group discussions our visions of the community garden space. This will be put down on paper.
3-3:30 each group will do a presentation on their results of their discussions.
At the end of the day we will have a combination of all groups input and end up with one vision.
The room number for the meeting will be posted at the entrance of the CNC campus.

Anyone interested is welcome to join us.

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